Walk In Dry Places

Thursday 23 May 2024

Father Leo’s Daily Meditation #essentialsofrec #Effort #Gratitude #FrLeo

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

–Theodore Roosevelt

Because we are not perfect, we need only do our best. Because our recovery from addiction is an on-going process, we will discover that our best is improving on a daily basis. It is so easy to beat ourselves up emotionally by thinking that our best is not good enough. Even after years of recovery we still hear the old tapes: “People do not want to listen to you.” “Is that all that you can do?”

We need to remember that the disease of addiction still lives in our recovery. However, our honest attempts at dealing with a problem or helping another with a problem – provided they are honest attempts – will usually be more than sufficient.

Today I accept my best attempts with gratitude and I am not too proud to seek the advice of another.

God, accept the best that I can offer as an instrument of Your peace.
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