Friday 21 October 2016

EASY DOES IT #essentialsofrecovery


The only person keeping us from having self-worth is ourselves.

~ Anonymous 

Having healthy pride in our accomplishments in recovery is fine as long as it is coupled with gratitude and humility. As long as we don’t settle for an inferior quality of recovery and continue to strive for the best, that kind of pride will not cause harm.

However, pride out of control is dangerous. Too many are certain they “wrote the book.” They take false pride in their accomplishments and feel they have nothing left to learn. They are eager to tell everyone how much they know. This is a sure way of closing a mind that desperately needs to be wide open. This kind of pride has turned into arrogance that causes many people to “turn off.”

False pride and settling for inferiority will accomplish nothing. I no longer choose to have low self-worth.

©1990 by Anonymous, Published by Hazelden 
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