Tuesday, 29 November 2016

A WOMAN’S SPIRIT #essentialsofrecovery

As I grow older I feel so much freer to be me.
This is a real blessing that I never anticipated.

~ Marie Gubbels 

Many of us didn’t know who we were when we first got into recovery. We may have mimicked other people’s actions and beliefs with no forethought, only with the desire to fit in. One of our worst fears was that we didn’t belong. Trying to look like, act like, and think like other women— these actions made us feel safe, inconspicuous. That we were trapped by our fear never dawned on us.

Doing an inventory, as suggested by the program, helps us know who we honestly are. We can see our personal traits; we can evaluate what we want to do about qualities that cause us grief. And we can feel gratitude about others. But, most important, we can see who we actually are, not who we tried to be for years. The program makes this possible. And the reward will be a peacefulness more gratifying than any we have ever known.

No longer do we need to try someone else’s behavior on for size. What fits us, fits only us. And that is good.

Being myself today means not watching others for clues about what to think or say. I will listen to my inner voice and with her help be true to me.

© 1994 by Hazelden Foundation 
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