Friday 30 December 2016

Fr. Leo's Daily Meditation #essentialsofrecovery


“A society that gives to one class all the opportunities for leisure, and to another class all the burdens of work, dooms both classes to spiritual sterility.”

~ Lewis Mumford 

Spirituality brings with it a new balance. To be relaxed, healthy, and alive, I need both work and leisure. I need to remember it is okay to take a day off. To sometimes stay in and relax is not a waste. Time for play is creative time!

I was not only compulsive around alcohol and people, but I was also obsessive about work. Perhaps I was a workaholic. I need to remember to HALT: Don’t get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

Work for me can be a form of escape. In leisure, I have the opportunity to meet with myself. Today I am free to enjoy myself!

You who made me a laborer in the vineyard also expected me to sit and enjoy the fruit.

© 2008 Leo Booth
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