Monday, 29 October 2018

DAILY REFLECTIONS #essentialsofrecovery


Since recovery from alcoholism is life itself to us, it is imperative that we preserve in full strength our means of survival.


The honesty expressed by the members of A.A. in meetings has the power to open my mind. Nothing can block the flow of energy that honesty carries with it. The only obstacle to this flow of energy is inebriation, but even then, no one will find a closed door if he or she has left and chooses to return. Once he or she has received the gift of sobriety, each A.A. member is challenged on a daily basis to accept a program of honesty.

My Higher Power created me for a purpose in life. I ask him to accept my honest efforts to continue on my journey in the spiritual way of life. I call on Him for strength to know and seek His will.

Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc. 
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