Tuesday, 30 October 2018

KEEP IT SIMPLE #essentialsofrecovery

The universe is full of magical things waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

~ Eden Phillpots 

How nice to have the fog lifted! Sobriety lets our wits grow sharper. We can go after our dreams and ideas. We can listen to music and sing. We are part of the magic of the universe. At times we may not feel very magical, but we are. Our spirits hold much magic. Sobriety is magic. We work at making the world a better place. In doing so, we get magical powers. Power that heals and comfort others. Powers to understand things that before we could not. Powers that let us see the world as we’ve never seen it. Enjoy the magic and use your powers wisely!

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, let Your magic enter and fill my heart.

Action for the Day

I’ll list four magical powers I have from being sober.

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