Tuesday 11 June 2024

A Day At A Time #essentialsofrecovery

Many of us have had difficulty ridding ourselves of the ravages of guilt.  In my own case, during the early days in The Program, I either misunderstood certain of the Steps, or tried to apply them too quickly and too eagerly.  The result was that I increased my feelings of guilt and worthlessness, rather than freeing myself as The Steps intend.   Soon, though, I became at least willing to forgive myself, and I made a new beginning.  I undertook all the soul-searching and cleansing Steps in our Program as they were intended to be taken, and not from a below-ground position of crippling hate and guilt.  Have I made amends to myself?

Today I Pray

May I forgive myself, as God has forgiven me.  May I know that if I am hanging onto an old satchel full of guilt, then I am to following the example He has shown me.  If God can forgive me — and He has demonstrated His forgiveness by leading me to this healing place — then so can I.  May I not begrudge myself what He has so generously offered.

Today I Will Remember

God forgives;  so must I.  
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