Sunday, 27 November 2022

A DAY AT A TIME #essentialsofrecovery

Reflection for the Day

The Program shows us how to transform the pipe-dreams of our pasts into reality and true sense of purpose, together with a growing consciousness of the power of God in our lives. It’s all right to keep our heads in the clouds with Him, we’re taught, but our feet should remain firmly planted here on earth. Here’s where other people are; here’s where our work must be accomplished. Do I see anything incompatible between spirituality and a useful life in the here and now?

Today I Pray
May my new “reality” include not only the nuts and bolts and pots and pans of daily living, but also my spiritual reality, my growing knowledge of the presence of God. May this new reality have room, too, for my dreams—not the drug-induced, mind-drifting fantasies of the past or the remnants of my delusions, but the products of a healthy imagination. May I respect these dreams, anchor them in earth’s possibilities, and turn them into useful creativity.

Today I Will Remember
Heaven has a place in the here and now.

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