Wednesday 10 July 2024

Daily Tao / 191 – Fields #essentialsofrec #Recovery #Tao #Taoism #Buddhism

Worship by cultivating nine fields :
Diet. Herbs. Clothing. Recitation.
Movement. Meditation. Creativity. Teaching.
And most important : Compassion.

Worship is not a matter of making an obeisance to a god. It is a matter of achieving godlike qualities in yourself. This is done through the cultivation of nine areas :

Diet should be moderate, healthy, and of living foods. If you want to be sustained, eat things that themselves sustained life.

Learn to use herbs, for they heal and maintain health

Be moderate in your clothing; wear natural fibers. What you wear is an expression of your state of mind

Recitation includes prayer, song, chanting, and finally, the practice of silence. What you say becomes reality

Stretch, move, and exercise every day. The universe moves; so too should the energy within your body

Meditate every day — once in the morning and once in the evening, if possible. Only then will you attain tranquility and triumph over your dilemmas

Be creative. Thus we contribute, and thus we elevate our souls

Acquire a good education. Treasure what you learn, and preserve it so that it may be passed on to others. Never be selfish with what you know

Above all, be compassionate. This is a stand against all evil, and it opens your spirit

People ask, “How can I worship properly?” Cultivate these nine fields
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