Monday 20 November 2023

WALK IN DRY PLACES #essentialsofrecovery



A number of alcoholics become estranged from members of their family. Sometimes these estrangements continue into sobriety and fester as a source of resentment.

Where estrangements have occurred, we are always responsible for any wrongs on our part. We need to check carefully to make sure that pride and bitterness on our part aren’t prolonging the estrangement.

But some of these estrangements have been chosen by others. We need to accept them if we’ve done everything possible to correct the problem.

Honesty will be our guide as we look carefully at any estrangements in our lives. All that’s ever necessary is that we use our best principles in dealing with any estrangements.

If I find today that an estrangement is bothering me or others in the program, I’ll examine it carefully with the thought that either making amends or acceptance might be required.

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